Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Disney Days

For those of you that may not know...I sang with the Voices of Liberty at WDW's EPCOT Center from '91 - '94. This is one of the medleys we did...the soprano soloist is my old roommate - she's awesome!!!! No, I'm not in the clip...there was no YOUtube or blog-o-sphere back in the day =0). You can see/hear more VOL music on YouTube...ahhhh, good times - lot's of fun! Can you believe at one time I had the voice to sing in this group? ...seems like forever ago.


Sarah said...

Yes I can believe it because you have extraordinary talent :)

And my oh my your roomie has a great set of pipes. Clear as a bell. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

yay! you updated your blog! very nice. haha. :)

4moore said...

Of course you could sing with a group like that. Silly girl! I have always liked to hear you sing!

See I am not lurking today!